Dr. Md. Sohel Ahmed

Dr. Md. Sohel Ahmed

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শনিবার, ২৫ সেপ্টেম্বর, ২০১০

Independent daily living : Dressing:

Dealing with children with SPD

Independent daily living
Md. Sohel Ahmed
Speech and Sensory Integration Therapist


§ Use dummy.
§ Modeling.
§ Ask to choose.
§ Talk to him about the process of dressing.
§ Choose some specific action of dressing.
§ Use easy to remove dressing.
§ Physical guide with verbal cues.
§ Add any sticker s/ he likes.
§ Try to teach about color.
§ Use Reinforcement.

Some common sensory issues that may affect dressing

§ Try various types of materials to see which one the child will tolerate.
§ Show the object to the child.
§ Put the child’s hand on top of your hand and touch the cloth.
§ Brush down the child’s body before dressing to help to decrease their hypersensitivity.
§ Need to ensure other sensory developments like- body awareness balance, movement and language.

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